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apiKey required object pro

APIKey defines where to find the platform access key and host. By default, vCluster will search in the following locations in this precedence:

  • platform.api.accessKey
  • environment variable called LICENSE
  • secret specified under external.platform.apiKey.secretName
  • secret called "vcluster-platform-api-key" in the vCluster namespace

secretName required string pro

SecretName is the name of the secret where the platform access key is stored. This defaults to vcluster-platform-api-key if undefined.

namespace required string pro

Namespace defines the namespace where the access key secret should be retrieved from. If this is not equal to the namespace where the vCluster instance is deployed, you need to make sure vCluster has access to this other namespace.

createRBAC required boolean false pro

CreateRBAC will automatically create the necessary RBAC roles and role bindings to allow vCluster to read the secret specified in the above namespace, if specified. This defaults to true.